Doc-003: This postcard below was written from Andrew Forbes to Mrs. J. M. Forbes. Right now, I am guessing that Mrs. J. M. Forbes is the wife of his only child, James McLaren Forbes - will have to investigate this further. The postcard was mailed on May 26, 1913. This gives us the first confirmed writing sample of Andrew Forbes. Boy, his handwriting sure was messy, if this post card is any indication! Postcard courtesy of Toureson / Bailly.
Above Text:
Dear Mother,
Card from Mary
today and both
doing well. Will
start home as soon
as sure that I will
not get the mumps.
Love your son,
Love, Andrew
Mrs. J. M. Forbes
831 3rd
Santa Ana
May 26, 1913 9pm Cal.
1 cent postage.
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